content marketing

October 18, 2021
man thinking at his desk

Whom to Hire to Solve Your Marketing Problems

How's your marketing strategy going? Even with all the available analytics, I know it's a tricky question to answer. But is it really? Because if your revenue isn't where you want it to be, then your marketing strategy has issues (assuming everything else is in order). Once you've admitted your business needs help, the next question is—who do you hire? Here's something we can both agree on— With so much specialization in marketing, it can be challenging to know who you need to hire to help you with your marketing strategy. Let's break it down and make it easy.
October 8, 2021
woman frustrated by all the holidays

How to Succeed at Holiday Content Marketing and Not Screw It Up

As a small business owner, do you love the holidays? Or dread them? They are a mixed bag, aren't they? Every special day is an opportunity to do fun and exciting holiday content marketing (National Taco Day, anyone?), yet the major ones are the most hectic times of the year. But I think you will agree with me when I say they are definitely days you can't ignore. According to Hubspot, there are 278 social media holidays to look forward to each year. Fortunately, there are simple steps to make sure your holiday content marketing doesn't miss the mark.
September 21, 2021
man saying hey I think I found your content

4 Things to Remember When You are Tempted to Post Crappy Content

We've all done it. A late-night deadline, someone called in sick, experts railing on us to post more—these are all things that push us to our limits and tempt us to hit the publish button on content that is less than stellar. Or, let's be honest, it's just crappy. I know you probably think we are here to yell at you. But that's not it because we get it. It's hard to be creative, inspiring, and revenue-generating 100% of the time. We are all human. So, let me clarify. We are not talking about those once-in-a-while subpar posts. We are talking about the pattern that you have gotten into of making your content a lower priority. Companies are making this mistake daily. You've seen lousy content and scrolled past it. And what is the result? It's not about losing a few followers or not getting comments. Bad content ruins your revenue.
September 14, 2021
content marketing checklist

9 Questions You Should Definitely Ask Yourself Before Any Posting Content

Want to feel more confident that your content is good before posting it for the world to see? Fortunately, there's a simple solution… …a checklist. But not any checklist will do. Google "content marketing checklist," and you will find articles from giants like Neil Patel, the Content Marketing Institute, Copyblogger, and dozens of other companies. These articles focus primarily on the nuts and bolts of content marketing, such as the correct headings in your blog post, the best place to post your content, customer personas, and how to know if your content is successful. But what if those things don't matter…
September 2, 2021
African American woman asking does my content suck

4 Reasons Your Content Marketing Sucks (and What to Do About It)

Do you ever wonder if your content is any good? I know it's a hard question to ask yourself. Because what if your content does suck? That is hard to admit, especially if you are usually a successful, smart, overachiever. But without admitting that you need to improve, you can't make a content marketing strategy to get better.
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